Purification of The Soul

Purification of the Soul

Penulis (Author) : Various Authors (Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali, Ibn Qayyim, Imam Ghazali)
Genre: Islam, Religion, Self-Help
Tarikh Tamat (Date Finished) : 16 January 2017
Rating: 5 / 5

“Hypocrisy is wretched because the hypocrite says with his tongue what is not in his heart. He wrongs his tongue and oppresses his heart. But if the heart is sound, the condition of the tongue follows suit. We are commanded to be upright in speech, which is a gauge of the heart’s state.” – Hamza Yusof

This is not the same as the one that Hamza Yusof translated. But I believe the idea of the content should be the same.

A lot of points worth mentioning here, but I’ll keep it short here. I’ll just take one which I feel is very touching.

Repentance has a beginning and an end. The beginning is when the servant is bestowed the feeling to actually repent and ask for His forgiveness. The inner feeling itself is a ‘rizq’ of Allah.

And the end of the repentance is when the time comes. Surely, those who are kept in a state of constant repentance and does good, is surely in true repentance.

Prior to the act of repentance is the Allah’s first act of forgiveness; in the sense of permission, inspiration and assistance which brings to repentance.

The second act of forgiveness is acceptance and recompense.

So rejoice are those who in the first place, who feels like repenting to Allah, for that is the ‘forgiveness’ that Allah graces.


P/s:- My past two books is a nice change of pace from the more challenging and intellectual feeding topics. Definitely need to do alternation like this to make full use of the capacity of the brain, and the heart.

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